
Studio M

Pre Recital Information – PLEASE READ


We hope you are gearing up for a long weekend of relaxation as we head into THE UNKNOWN…kidding, it’s just recital week! Hahaha! We think we are ready and we hope you are too.


  • All staging rehearsals & shows will take place in the UC Ballroom.  The ballroom is located on 3rd floor of the University Center on the University of Montana campus. 
  • Staging rehearsals are MANDATORY!  This is for the safety of all performers.  IF YOU MISS YOUR STAGING REHEARSAL YOU CANNOT PERFORM.  You should arrive 15min early to the ballroom so that you are not late for this MANDATORY rehearsal.  They are only 15min min long and will happen very quickly as we have an extremely tight schedule.  Please double, triple & quadruple check the schedule below.  If you have ANY questions, please shoot us an email, text or call.

Attachment:OUT OF THIS WORLD – Recital Week Schedule 2021.pdf (528.4kB)

  • Your dancer DOES NOT need to wear their costume to the staging rehearsal.  They need to be in athletic clothing and the exact shoes they will be performing in. 
  • Show seating is general admission.  Please bring your physical ticket with you to the show. 


  • If your dancer is Combo, Level 1 or higher and they have learned the finale choreography, they can participate in the finale. They have to attend the MANDATORY finale staging rehearsal that takes place at 5pm on the night of their show. For example: if your dancer is in Show 1 or 2, they need to be at the 5pmrehearsal on Wednesday June 2nd; if they are in Show 3 or 4, they need to be at the 5pm rehearsal on Thursday June 3rd. If they don’t attend this rehearsal, they won’t be allowed to participate.
  • All dancers will be invited onstage after the finale for a ribbon ceremony. This includes Tots & Littles.


  • Each show will be available on Zoom.  Please be sure that all attendees are muted during the show. 
  1. SHOW #1: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82461331802?pwd=OUdscXYrbHFhWlRuczFHbjVFYW91QT09 Check for THIS MESSAGE in your email for the passcode.
  2. SHOW #2: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81363671720?pwd=dEo3V3RWRGRPandHRUpHSjQ5RFVvdz09 Check for THIS MESSAGE in your email for the passcode.
  3. SHOW #3: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88300832960?pwd=dWFlTDM2bEdFUTRZb3dBdHdINmNsQT09 Check for THIS MESSAGE in your email for the passcode.
  4. SHOW #4: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89182835389?pwd=bXFYTGZadkUxbmRFemRxamZqYUEyQT09 Check for THIS MESSAGE in your email for the passcode.


  • We will be videoing the shows but feel free to move closer and video your own child. Please be respectful of other audience members.
  • Jason Tupeck Photography will be taking professional photos during the show but you are allowed to take your own as well.

Again, we will be working all weekend so please reach out with any confusion or questions. 

Buckle up….Studio M is ready for TAKEOFF at WARP SPEED!!
